CompTIA Security+ Architecture and Design Quiz 1

Which security framework is widely used for network segmentation and controlling access within data centers?
A) Zero Trust
B) Defense in Depth
C) Perimeter Security
D) Firewall Policy
What is the purpose of a DMZ in network architecture?
A) To prevent internal users from accessing the internet
B) To provide a buffer zone between the internal network and the public internet
C) To encrypt data in transit
D) To store backups of sensitive data
Which type of cloud service model provides users with operating systems and storage?
A) IaaS
B) PaaS
C) SaaS
D) DaaS
Which of the following is a logical isolation method used in cloud computing?
A) Microsegmentation
B) Firewall zoning
C) Encryption
D) Data backup
What is the primary purpose of an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)?
A) To monitor system logs
B) To detect and prevent malicious activity in real-time
C) To encrypt data at rest
D) To perform vulnerability scanning
Which of these controls is considered administrative?
A) Access Control Lists
B) Policies and Procedures
C) Firewalls
D) Antivirus software
Which architecture is used to create and manage software applications in isolated environments?
A) Virtualization
B) Containerization
C) Segmentation
D) Encryption
What is the purpose of network segmentation?
A) To speed up network performance
B) To separate critical systems from general network traffic
C) To enable remote access
D) To monitor server activity
Which component in network architecture provides secure access over the internet?
B) Firewall
C) Router
D) Hub
Which framework provides guidance on implementing cybersecurity practices within organizations?

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