CompTIA Security+ Governance, Risk, and Compliance Quiz 1

What is the purpose of a risk assessment?
A) To eliminate all risks
B) To identify, assess, and prioritize risks
C) To prevent all attacks
D) To configure network devices
Which of the following best describes governance in a cybersecurity context?
A) Setting up firewalls
B) Establishing policies and procedures for security
C) Installing antivirus software
D) Running vulnerability scans
Which type of compliance standard is designed to protect cardholder data?
What is the purpose of data classification?
A) To ensure all data is public
B) To categorize data based on sensitivity
C) To identify malware
D) To encrypt data
Which of the following is an example of a preventive control?
A) Audit logs
B) Intrusion detection systems
C) Security policies
D) Firewalls
Which framework is commonly used for managing cybersecurity risks in the United States?
A) ISO 9001
D) IEEE 802.11
What is the purpose of a business continuity plan?
A) To create a network map
B) To ensure operations can continue during a disruption
C) To encrypt data
D) To perform risk assessments
Which document defines roles and responsibilities in an organization’s security policy?
A) Risk Assessment
B) Security Policy
C) Audit Report
D) Access Control List
Which type of control aims to reduce the impact of a security incident after it occurs?
A) Preventive
B) Detective
C) Corrective
D) Deterrent
What is the primary goal of risk mitigation?
A) To identify risks
B) To reduce risk to an acceptable level
C) To transfer all risks
D) To eliminate risks completely

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