CompTIA Security+ Governance, Risk, and Compliance Quiz 2

What is the primary goal of risk management in cybersecurity?
A) To eliminate all threats
B) To reduce risk to an acceptable level
C) To monitor user activity
D) To comply with all laws
What type of policy outlines acceptable use of IT resources by employees?
A) Access control policy
B) Acceptable use policy
C) Security awareness policy
D) Incident response policy
Which compliance framework is designed specifically for government agencies in the US?
What is a security control designed to detect and alert on suspicious activity?
A) Preventive
B) Detective
C) Corrective
D) Compensating
What is the purpose of a security audit?
A) To encrypt data
B) To assess compliance and identify security gaps
C) To implement security policies
D) To destroy old data
Which role is typically responsible for overseeing compliance and risk management within an organization?
A) IT Technician
C) Network Engineer
D) Database Administrator
What is the purpose of access control in a cybersecurity framework?
A) To encrypt all data
B) To limit access to resources based on permissions
C) To monitor user activity
D) To delete unauthorized accounts
Which of the following best describes residual risk?
A) Risk that remains after implementing controls
B) All potential risks in an organization
C) Risk from external sources only
D) Risks that are eliminated through controls
What is the purpose of a data retention policy?
A) To secure data
B) To outline data storage requirements
C) To specify how long data must be kept
D) To delete unnecessary data
What is the purpose of role-based access control (RBAC)?
A) To allow unrestricted access to all users
B) To manage permissions based on roles within an organization
C) To require two-factor authentication
D) To secure all internet access

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