CompTIA Security+ Operations and Incident Response Quiz 1

What is the first step in the incident response process?
A) Containment
B) Eradication
C) Identification
D) Recovery
Which log type is used to track access and actions taken on systems?
A) System log
B) Access log
C) Application log
D) Audit log
What is a playbook in the context of incident response?
A) A list of employees
B) A pre-defined set of instructions for handling incidents
C) A log of daily tasks
D) A network map
Which tool captures and analyzes network traffic to identify malicious activity?
C) Firewall
D) Router
What is the purpose of root cause analysis in incident response?
A) To prevent future incidents
B) To document an incident
C) To deploy firewalls
D) To identify log sources
Which technique is used to return compromised systems to their original state?
A) Restoration
B) Containment
C) Remediation
D) Patch Management
Which of the following is an example of a security incident?
A) Routine software update
B) Unauthorized access to sensitive data
C) Scheduled maintenance
D) Installing antivirus software
What is the role of a security information and event management (SIEM) system?
A) To encrypt data
B) To monitor and analyze security events in real-time
C) To manage network devices
D) To configure firewalls
Which type of analysis identifies patterns of abnormal activity?
A) Forensic Analysis
B) Behavioral Analysis
C) Vulnerability Analysis
D) Statistical Analysis
Which of these is the final step in an incident response process?
A) Containment
B) Recovery
C) Eradication
D) Lessons Learned

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