CompTIA Security+ Operations and Incident Response Quiz 2

What is a key component of a forensic investigation in cybersecurity?
A) Data destruction
B) Preservation of evidence
C) Unstructured analysis
D) Random sampling
Which of these is considered an indicator of compromise (IOC)?
A) Normal network activity
B) Unusual network traffic to known malicious IPs
C) Approved user logins
D) Security policy compliance
What is the purpose of a threat intelligence feed?
A) To automate data backup
B) To inform organizations about emerging threats
C) To configure firewall rules
D) To encrypt network traffic
Which process involves identifying the scope and impact of a cybersecurity incident?
A) Containment
B) Identification
C) Recovery
D) Eradication
What is chain of custody in digital forensics?
A) A list of system logs
B) Documentation of evidence handling
C) A set of policies for email usage
D) A list of vulnerable systems
Which tool helps detect unauthorized data leaving the network?
B) Firewall
What is a SIEM tool used for in cybersecurity?
A) To store sensitive data
B) To consolidate and analyze security logs
C) To encrypt network communication
D) To deploy security patches
Which type of analysis examines patterns of unusual behavior on a network?
A) Forensic Analysis
B) Behavioral Analysis
C) Statistical Analysis
D) Baseline Analysis
What is the main purpose of a playbook in incident response?
A) To list employees' contact details
B) To provide predefined steps for handling incidents
C) To update software automatically
D) To backup data
Which step in the incident response process involves eliminating the root cause of an incident?
A) Eradication
B) Identification
C) Containment
D) Recovery

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