CompTIA Security+ Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities Quiz 1

Which type of malware disguises itself as a legitimate program to trick users into executing it?
A) Virus
B) Trojan
C) Worm
D) Ransomware
Which type of attack floods a network with requests to overwhelm and disrupt its services?
B) Phishing
C) SQL Injection
D) Cross-Site Scripting
What is the primary goal of a phishing attack?
A) To steal user credentials
B) To delete files on a system
C) To install malware on a device
D) To encrypt data
Which term describes a network of compromised computers used to carry out malicious activities?
A) Botnet
B) Malware
C) Rootkit
D) Keylogger
What type of malware encrypts files on a device, demanding payment to decrypt them?
A) Spyware
B) Adware
C) Ransomware
D) Trojan
Which attack involves injecting malicious SQL code into a database query?
B) SQL Injection
C) Buffer Overflow
D) Malware
Which security vulnerability allows an attacker to execute unauthorized code on a system due to improper memory management?
A) Phishing
C) Buffer Overflow
D) Social Engineering
What is the primary purpose of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack?
A) To gain unauthorized access
B) To disrupt availability
C) To install malware
D) To exfiltrate data
Which of the following best describes spyware?
A) Malware that encrypts files
B) Software that monitors user activity
C) Code that self-replicates
D) A harmful software disguised as a legitimate program
Which type of attack involves redirecting a domain's traffic to a fraudulent website?
A) Man-in-the-middle
B) DNS Poisoning
C) Malware
D) Phishing

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