CompTIA Security+ Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities Quiz 2

Which type of attack manipulates the sender address in emails to appear from a trusted source?
A) Spoofing
B) Phishing
D) Social Engineering
Which attack involves intercepting communication between two parties to steal information?
A) Buffer Overflow
B) Cross-Site Scripting
C) Man-in-the-Middle
D) SQL Injection
What is a common method for delivering ransomware to a target system?
A) Social Engineering
B) Email Attachment
C) Direct Access
D) Password Guessing
Which of these attacks exploits a vulnerability in a website's input fields to execute malicious code?
A) SQL Injection
B) Malware
C) Social Engineering
D) Buffer Overflow
What does a worm do once it infects a device?
A) Spreads to other devices autonomously
B) Disguises itself as legitimate software
C) Encrypts files for ransom
D) Gathers user data quietly
Which tool can help detect suspicious network traffic patterns associated with potential attacks?
A) Firewall
C) Router
D) Proxy
Which type of malware creates a backdoor on the system for persistent access?
A) Adware
B) Rootkit
C) Worm
D) Spyware
What is the primary purpose of spyware?
A) To monitor user activity and steal information
B) To spread across networks
C) To encrypt data
D) To block network traffic
Which attack tricks a user into clicking on a disguised malicious link?
A) Clickjacking
B) SQL Injection
C) Phishing
D) DNS Poisoning
Which type of attack involves an attacker creating a fake website to impersonate a legitimate one?
A) Phishing
B) Spear Phishing
C) Typosquatting
D) Pharming

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